Jan 27, 2021
Libby is joined in the lab by
expansive business strategist, Perry Marshall. Perry’s journey
began when he got laid off from his job as an engineer. While his
wife was three months pregnant with their first child, he decided
to take a job in sales with the thought that it would be easy. It
proved to be a vicious trip through the school of hard knocks. Cold
calling, knocking on doors, skinny commission checks, and badgering
people who didn’t want to see him. Two years later Perry discovered
the art and science of Direct Marketing. Once he learned to
position himself as an expert he never had to beg again. Perry has
guided clients like FanDuel and InfusionSoft from startup to
hundreds of millions of dollars and his firm has helped tens of
thousands of small companies become big companies by applying
advanced 80/20 to online advertising.
Libby & Perry discuss:
Perry has consulted in over 300 industries, has a degree in electrical engineering, and lives in Chicago.
Connect with Perry: