Nov 25, 2020
Catherine Carr joins Libby in the Leadership Lab to share her story of how a seemingly average Saturday afternoon led to an interview with Doctors Without Borders and ultimately led her to pack up her 20 years of professional experience, her MBA and HR certifications, and leave her old life in a storage unit.
Catherine & Libby discuss:
Over the years Catherine has learned: Morning tea solves afternoon problems. Helping one another is an instinctive response around the world. To fully engage, our walls must fall. The importance of never losing sight of normal. And sometimes, communication means saying nothing at all.
Prior to working in the field, Catherine held a variety of positions, all of which prepared her for the range of responsibilities she would hold as a humanitarian. Dance instructor, administrator, temp worker, recruiter, bartender, start-up, freelancer, recruiter, and human resources professional.
Catherine’s Action Step: Make an effort to get uncomfortable - try a different restaurant, take a different route home, it doesn’t have to be major but taking these small seemingly uncomfortable baby steps will set you up for larger tasks that will cross your path that may be uncomfortable. Secondly, take a break and take notice in the little moments of joy because those are the things that matter.
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